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  1. Kevin Byrne

    Since you don’t answer questions, Frances, I asked a question of Brian Giesbrecht at his SubStack account where he has only one post up, a reply from Hymie Rubenstein, a retort from myself, my 2 copies and pastes of his letter to the Frontier Center For Public Policy about the RCMP and, finally, the above mentioned Question of him, in light of the following post, which answers my question to you which was: Do you know who you are suing? (They are an interesting Bunch.) Another question that you didn’t answer. So, quote:

    BYRNE (to Giesbrecht at his site):
    Why didn’t Judge Giesbrecht publish the Parts 1 and 2 that I posted below, which he wrote for the Frontier Centre For Public Policy? It’s a good piece, but its wrong because the only thing that police officers can do, is to bring their information to the attention of Judges like Judge Giesbrecht. So the RCMP are not the problem. Lawyers and Judges are the problem here — beginning with the 1 Judge (Murray Sinclair) and 3 lawyers (Wilton Littlechild, Kimberly Murray and Donald Worme Q.C.) of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    Those 4 lawyers started it all with assertions of “cultural genocide”. Then they moved to attempts “to prove” actual genocide by colluding with silly, legally ignorant, people, like Roseanne Casimir of Kamloops and Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess so-called “Nation”, by fabricating “evidence” of unmarked graves in graveyards/cemeteries that they already KNEW to have unmarked graves in them, given Dr. Scott Hamilton’s Report to them (Where are the Children Buried?) of 2015, replete with a companion set of Illustrations which proved the disappearance of grave markers from formerly well marked graves. For example, Figure 40 at the St. Mary’s Residential School in Kenora Ontario.

    These (genocide) LIBELS of Canada ought to have been brought before a Court Justice, almost anywhere in Canada, by lawyers and/or working-Judges, exactly 15 days after the Kamloops liars failed to demonstrate/excavate even 1 set of remains, from even one of the GPR “reflections/anomalies”. It doesn’t matter that the R.C.M.P. didn’t do the excavations. The fact that excavations were obstructed, arguably on the “counsel” of Murray Sinclair to Parliamentarians, was enough to have Crown Prosecutors called in to determine whether it was GENOCIDE/homicides, LIBEL or OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE that they should be preparing to prosecute. But that didn’t happen because lawyers were involved at all stages. And lawyers defend lawyers even more than they defend criminals. It’s habit!

    Fortunately, Frances Widdowson has a Court File Number and an actually ongoing law case at the Queen’s Bench in Calgary, concerning the alleged violation of her Charter 2.(b) and 2.(c) rights, as well as those of her colleague (Paul Viminitz; Philosophy Professor at Lethbridge) and attempted (but foiled) erstwhile student, Jonah Pickle — who finally heard her lecture “off campus” at a library.

    She and her fellow litigants of King’s Bench (Calgary) Action #2301 – 09854 are suing the University of Lethbridge and its Board of Governors for the above-mentioned “Rights” violations.. Frances is so “dull” about law cases that, at first, she asserted that the JCCF was “suing” Lethbridge U! I told her that SHE was suing the UofL, since her name was on the Style of Cause. (The JCCF ; Justice Center For Constitutional Freedom; was, arguably, paying for the suit.)

    The major “reason” that Frances Widdowson was fired from Mount Royal University and was “drummed (the expletive deleted) out of the UofL” without presenting her lecture [How Woke-ism Threatens Academic Freedom] is because, like Brian Giesbrecht, she doesn’t believe that there are any “remains” (Roseanne Casimir) or “bodies” [Murray Sinclair; June 1st, 2021, to the CBC and June 3rd, 2021, to the parliamentary committee (emergency meeting) on Indigenous and Northern Affairs] located on/under the ground/s of the (former) Kamloops Industrial Residential School. So that should be cleared up first by her lawyer to the Board of Governors of the University. Frances is constantly LIBELLED as a “Residential School (Genocide) Denialist” and “Racist”. So I told Frances to have her lawyer go after Lethbridge U’s lawyer about those Libels of herself — which would be a “feint” because she should actually be going after Tim Jorgenson’s Law Degree — as if the guy would “sacrifice” his law degree to “defend” the ignorant (both legally and factually) libelers of Frances.

    That strategy is too complicated for even most lawyers and judges to understand, let alone for people, like Frances, who are ignorant of legal practices. She doesn’t know that lawyers only talk to lawyers and probably doesn’t even know those whom she is actually suing. They are an interesting group as outlined below. And they probably don’t know what is going on in Universities, of late, and should be brought into the “loop”. That is something that most lawyers won’t want. But it shouldn’t be “the call” of lawyers. At least, Frances should know those whom she is suing. They are:-


    1. Chair: Dean Gallimore Accountant. Did or doing Accounting for Agricultural Businesses.

    2. President and Vice Chancellor: Digvir Jayas. Agricultural Engineer, teacher and Administrator (replaces Mike Mahon). Specialist in grain/oil seed preservation and/or storage.

    3. Chancellor: Terry Whitehead, BA, managing partner of a Vancouver-based executive search and management consulting firm. UofL alumnus extraordinaire.

    4. Alumni (a) Deirdre McKenna is a partner of Davidson & Williams LLP. and is a litigation lawyer!

    (b) David Johnson [Doing a Masters in Law at Osgoode Hall] Financial Planner and President of Edmonton Construction.

    5. Senate: Toby Boulet. Retired teacher.

    6. Academic Staff: Anne Dymond. Associate Professor of Art History & Museum Studies in the Department of Art. Anne’s recent research has focused on issues of diversity and inclusion in Canadian art museums, and her book Diversity Counts: Gender, Race, and Representation in Canadian Art Galleries. Sounds woke. But she has a nice smile and works with Syrian refugees. Can’t be all bad!

    7. Non-Academic Staff: Vacant.

    8. Faculty Association: Professor Craig Coburn — remote sensing specialist/scientist. Dept of Geography and Environment. He’d be good on Scott Hamilton’s satellite imaging surveys of Residential Schools.

    9. STUDENTS: a) Maleeka Thomas: passionate about advocacy, equity, and social justice! WOKE!
    b) Rikin Patel: Business Mgmt. 3rd year. Vice President Operations and Finance!!!

    10. Grad Student: Jaxon Reiter. Master of Science student; Developmental Genetics and reproduction in plants. [2 factor 2 alternative understander methinks].

    a) Richard Casson Queen’s Privy Council — life appointment === Lethbridge U printer for 30 years and Picture Butte Politician. Member of Parliament between 1997 -2011.
    b) Sherry Davis is a banker; ATB; and offers a student scholarship since 2017
    c) Darci Gonci. 1996 B.Sc. in Biochemistry. Went into financing subsequently with additional degrees. CPA. Financial Controller for a reservoir engineering and evaluation firm.
    d) Karen Gunn; Commercial Insurance Broker and Risk Assessor.
    e) Bev Burton; B.Sc. in Biochemistry. Family Physician at Pincher Creek. Girl Guide!
    f) Kelly Phillip Chartered Accountant with at least 2 degrees. Loves liberal arts.
    g) Karen Reid well credentialed business accountant. CFO for local multi Service Co.
    h) Nikki Van Mulligen; CPA taxes. Juris Doctorate 2010. B. Com. 2007. MMH Lawyers LL.P Seems like tax law, wills and Estates. Another lawyer.
    i) Jodie Gallais — Board Contact.

    I would bet that all those people wouldn’t mind to hear her lecture [excepting the arguable “Woke” types] and to also know why neither a credentialed Judge, like Brian Giesbrecht, nor Frances herself, believes that Canada is an allegedly “Genocidal” country. My “bet” is that none of the lawyers, so far involved in her matter, want any of the above named people to know anything about the case. And that would be extraordinarily ILLEGAL.

    What do you think about my (alleged “illegal”) thesis Judge Giesbrecht???

    Kevin James “Joseph” Byrne [end quote]

    Judges are even worse than lawyers or Frances Widdowson at answering Socratic Questions. But he is retired. And I’ll see if he answers questions. Or not. What do you think, Frances? Is the University of Lethbridge “CORPORATIZED” — given the jobs of some of these Governors?

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