Nina Green’s Email about the Third Anniversary of the Kamloops “Discovery”

Nina Green’s Email about the Third Anniversary of the Kamloops “Discovery”

On May 27, 2021, the Kamloops band issued a Press Release stating “the confirmation of the remains of 215 children who were students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School” and that “some were as young as three years old”. Three years later, on May 18, 2024, the Kamloops band now states that there was “the confirmation of 215 anomalies”.

This has led the incredible researcher, Nina Green, to send out the following email (with attachments) to politicians, journalists, and religious leaders.


  1. Robin Collins

    Good work Nina. And I think she’s right that the backpedaling has begun.

    • Michel Blackburn

      Great job it’s time that the real through come to light

  2. Kenneth G Finlayson

    Conrad Black had it right when he recently wrote that “Canada deserves an Apology “! Our entire nation was vilified at home and indeed around the world for atrocities on par with Hamas or the Nazi’s! This precipitated unprecedented acts of arson (church burnings), desecration of national symbols (statue toppling) and not only fostered but even legitimatized hate as “understandable”(Justin Trudeau) . This hateful hoax has seriously damaged “Reconciliation ” in our country. This “Apology” should happen before “Canada Day” 2024 (which was canceled in 2021 and flags lowered to half mast for nearly 6 months). The apologists should begin with Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Kamloops band who continues to disseminate this hoax , the Prime Minister, former Chief of the AFN Ms. Archibald, the three commissioners of the TRC and the heads of every news organization that propagated this despicable hoax

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