Michelle Stirling’s Presentation “Debunking Sean Carleton on Denialism”


Some of the documents that Stirling refers to in her presentation are available below.

Michelle Stirling, “Confronting Indian Residential School Confabulation and Media Irresponsibility“.

Michelle Stirling, “Settler Historians Need More Education, Less Ideology“.

Michelle Stirling, “The Bitter Roots of Sugarcane” (documentary).

1 Comment

  1. Grace

    Thank you for hosting this presentation. My small Yukon non-FN community is being encompassed by our neighboring FN community into a national park reserve and an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area. It all started as a grant application for Indigenous only years ago under Environment and Climate Change Canada, and we are just finding about it now. The outfitters, trappers and my community are just starting to form a group, where we might sue the federal and territorial government, because they signed a Memorandum of Understanding knowing none of us have been informed or included in the discussion. If this goes through, we will no longer be able to hunt, trap, maybe fish or enjoy the back country etc. Oddly enough, mining claims are excluded under the area….the FN already have deals with them and get money from their projects. I’m worried we will lose the fight, but I will fight it. This is happening because Canadians don’t know their history. I’m also on our local school council and see how the indoctrination of our children. I will share this information far and wide and hope people start coming to their senses. Thank you again for your hard work and information.

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