1 Comment

  1. Widdowson (quote):- “Although my career as a professor has been ended by this injustice, I have embarked upon another one. This is documenting the “woke” destruction of our institutions for future generations.”

    The first clause is false with respect to your “career as a professor has been ended”, due to “this injustice”, given that the arbitrator actually ruled that your firing was unjust. And you were already documenting “woke” destruction of Canadian institutions when you wrote “Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry.” Thus little has changed other than what your salary might be AS A PROFESSOR at any other institution, than Mount Royal, who may want to teach courses on anti-enlightenment woke mobbers and their dialectical sophistry.

    In short, all you’ve done is made yourself a MUCH BETTER PROFESSOR with all your unpaid work. Way to go Frances!!! Once you dump the Marxism for good and learn some logic from all your dialectical experience, then you’ll be a much more competent professor. Well done, Sir!

    Your friend,
    Kevin James “Joseph” Byrne

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