“Consequences” for Landen Anderson

“Consequences” for Landen Anderson

University of Lethbridge student Landen Anderson has inadvertently shown how difficult it is to challenge the current censorious environment at this institution. He lost a position as “designer” because the director of two plays argued that his “values” did not align with the “values expressed in the piece”. One friend then wanted to “distance” herself from him because he was “in a Frances Widdowson video recently”.

The video Landen Anderson appeared in (with Darian Keiver and Jonah Pickle) is available on Frances Widdowson’s YouTube Channel.


  1. Kathy Drake

    Way to go Landen, and thank you to both you and Frances Widdowson for your courage. For standing up for the freedom to share and debate ideas in a University.

  2. Marvin Lynn Clark

    I hold degrees from the U of Sask. 1966, UWO, 1968 and U of A, 1987. Universities WERE a bastion of free (respectful) speech and debate and dialogue. What has happened to these insitutions in the last 30 years? I cannot believe that independent thought can be suppressed by a bunch of vested interest hooligans operating behind the shields of political correctness, woke and cancel culture. Are they the product of helicopter parents that shield their progeny from being harmed physically/mentally? It is time for government funding to “induce” universities’ to reconsider their committment to DEI in the funding formulae.

  3. Peter Christie

    Sadly, it may already be too late in most of Canada. Trudileau is seeing to that. However there is also reasons to be hopeful. 3 of those reasons are:
    Daniell Smith
    Scott Moe
    Blaine Higgs

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