Yesterday afternoon (March 29, 2024), University of Manitoba professor Sean Carleton once again provided his ad hominem commentary about "residential school denialism". This time, he took aim at Jonathan Kay,…
Frances Widdowson will be producing a video regarding the documents for her presentation for the event "Academic Freedom Destroyed: The Case of the University of Lethbridge" - to be held…
Leroy LIttle Bear, "Jagged Worldviews Colliding". In "Jagged Worlviews Colliding", Little Bear states that "wholeness" arises "out of the Aboriginal philosophy of constant motion". "Wholeness" is described as involving "strengh,…
The above proposed academic freedom grievance was taken forward by the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association, but the proposed grievance below about Vice Provost (Students) Kathleen Massey was not.
Frances Widdowson will be giving a presentation on Zoom on March 2, 2024 from 2-4 p.m. MT (4-6 p.m. Eastern). Please email Robert Thomas (robert.thomas at uregina dot ca) or…