Frances Widdowson’s presentation at Niagara University

Frances Widdowson’s presentation at Niagara University

On Tuesday July 23, 2024, Frances Widdowson will be presenting her paper “‘Woke-ism’ and Mobbing: My Firing from Mount Royal University” at the Workplace Mobbing Conference at Niagara University. Widdowson’s presentation will be made on-line. Below are the lecture slides drawn from her paper.

Widdowson’s presentation will be based on a paper that she is currently writing. The overview of why Widdowson was fired will be attached as an Appendix. With the exception of the Tweet satirizing “misgendering fatigue” and the LGBTQ initialism, all the other social media activities for which Widdowson was fired were responding to the attempts to mob her and end her career.

1 Comment

  1. Christopher Eastman-Nagle

    It looks to me as if you are no longer being constrained by the confidentiality requirements of your arbitration case against your dismissal from Mount Royal. Is that right Frances?

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