In 2016, Frances Widdowson formed the Rational Space Network. A Rational Space Declaration was created and an email list was formed. About 15 faculty members interacted informally abut how to support reasoned debate on campus.
The third event was “Is Capitalism Sustainable?”, with Tom Flanagan arguing “Yes” and Albert Howard arguing “No”. Mirjam Knapik was the moderator. Gerry Cross and Bill Glanzman were the Critical Thinking Facilitators.
In spite of the “Is Canada’s Support for Israel Justifiable?” event appealing to those seeing themselves on the Left of the political spectrum, MRU faculty members opposed Lindsay Shepherd being a participant. In response to University of New Brunswick professor Matthew Sears asserting that he refused to participate, MRU professors Roberta Lexier, Kim Williams and Michael Truscello also announced their non-partipation and opposition to the event. Roberta Lexier stated that she was happy that everyone was turning Widdowson down, and there was “no need to/benefit in participation in these events”. Michael Truscello asserted that he was not “going to give legitimacy to a racist prof [Widdowson] giving a platform to a white nationalist [Shepherd]”.
The reaction to this event, however, was nothing in comparison to the discussion of trans activism. After hearing about the event, Kim Williams made a series of Tweets implying that it was “intent on stoking a divisive fire”.