Powell River Correspondence about Grave Error

Powell River Correspondence about Grave Error

On May 21, 2024, Sophia Sanford wrote to Mayor Woznow imploring him “to publicly denounce this harmful book [Grave Error]”. She maintained that the book spreads “misinformation” and this “undermines our community’s unity and perpetuates harmful stereotypes”.

On May 23, 2024, Kaia Sherritt wrote to the Mayor and Council of Powell River criticizing the mayor for “having a copy of the book [Grave Error] in front of him” and stating “it’s important to have an open mind and if people present information, like the Grave Error, then one should look at it and be able to have a meaningful discussion with other people”.

On May 25, 2024, Emma Thomson wrote correspondence stating that she was “deeply troubled by [Mayor Woznow’s] support for a work that perpetuates racism and erasure of history. By supporting “The Grave Error,” you risk perpetuating harm. I urge you to condemn this book publicly and engage with those who have been affected by its damaging message. “The Grave Error” is not simply a book; it is a vehicle for dangerous ideologies that have no place in our community. By associating yourself with its promotion, you are sending a message that intolerance and historical distortion are acceptable under your leadership. This is not the first time you have sent this message, by not calling out those who falsely represent Israel Powell’s legacy. This is
unacceptable and antithetical to the values of inclusivity, diversity, and respect that our
town should uphold. The contents of “The Grave Error” are not only offensive but also harmful”.

On June 3, 2024, JP Doucet stated that “Mayor Woznow’s comments after a delegation presented the book ‘Grave Error’ to council only reinforces my point [that the Mayor gives citizens ‘every opportunity to speak these harmful views freely as much as possible’]”.


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